Jeevan Marga makes every effort to ensure, but does not guarantee, the accuracy of the
information presented on its web site. Hyperlinks to other web sites imply neither
responsibility for, nor approval of the information contained in those other web sites on
the part of JM.
Jeevan Marga may reproduce from time-to time several e-resources/statistics/
infographics available in the public domain (in as is where is condition), for the
information/education/training convenience of our supporters and partners, and duly
acknowledges the same. In as much as we try our best to source credible and authentic
data or information, we however cannot not vouch for the authenticity and accuracy of
such documents/reports reproduced here, and will not be responsible for any errors or
inaccuracies that may exist in such resources. Readers/Browsers are requested to ensure
the verification of the accuracy of such e-resources from their original source, before
using and/or applying the same.