Executive team

Jeevan Marga (JM) is led by a competent and experienced development professional as its CEO & Executive Director, backed by a team of experienced professionals in Program Development & Management, Volunteering and Operations. Additionally, Project teams with suitable domain skills & experience are constituted to meet specific and ongoing project requirements - both in voluntary and full-time roles.

Mohan Paul Prabhu, CEO & Executive Director
Mohan Paul Prabhu is the CEO and Executive Director of Jeevan Marga Trust. He is an inspirational leader with proven track records of mentoring/building teams to ‘punch above their weight’ and institution building in the social sector. Over the last nearly 30 years, Mohan has held several leadership and consulting roles in leading non-profits/ social sector in India, across varied domains including Education, Skilling & Micro Entrepreneurship, Appropriate Technology, and Water Resources. Mohan believes Technology is a critical enabler and disruptor in amplifying impacts, bringing transformation and sustainable change.

At Jeevan Marga, Mohan oversees Governance, Strategy, Program Delivery, and Collaborations, in close association with partners and stakeholders. In this role, Mohan facilitates Vision setting, helping our teams deliver mission focused results, and build strategic Partnerships-Alliances.

Mohan is an Mechanical Engineer by training with PG Diploma in Marketing. He has undergone key in-service trainings in Managerial Effectiveness, Sustainable Development, and e-Commerce from reputed institutions like IIRR, Manila, IRMA. Mohan is driven to achieve excellence, and passionate in building people and institutions to accomplish goals.

Mr. Khandappa, B.K, Sr. Director, Development
Mr. Khandappa brings more than 15 years of rich and diverse experience in the social sector. He has managed programs in Education, Water and WASH leading project teams. He has a flair for developing good working relationship with Government departments and key officials, leveraging that to facilitate project implementation and amplify results. He is adept at forging partnerships with Corporate CSRs for supporting projects and employee volunteering.

He desires to contribute to a rapid development of the Trust.

Vijay Kumar H, Director, Programs
Vijay’s journey unfolds from the city's bustling streets, shaped by stark societal realities. Born amid struggles of neglect, alcoholism, and educational deprivation, the experiences became a call to action.

Personal challenges mirrored those his sought to address, navigating education's rigors amid life's harsh realities. He has travelled extensively. Vijay brings more than 12 years of experience in implementing projects in Education, STEM Education, Skilling, amongst others. He loves to interact and motivate children, youth and communities to action, and believes in building strong partnerships with donors and supporters, as key stakeholders in a collective effort.