Jeevan Marga is charitable trust registered under the Indian Trust Act vide reg. no 905/2015-16, Bangalore, Karnataka. The organisation took shape in the year 2016, in response to a felt need to address the so needs of under privileged children- often left to defend for themselves, skill youth towards gainful employment-otherwise wandering around aimless and vulnerable; and empower disadvantaged women. The underlying focus is to address the social inequalities and foster positive change resulting in lives filled with self-worth, hope, and dignity.
Beginning small by organising camps for children, the Trust has evolved to formulate innovative programs that targets boosting quality education, creating healthy environment in public schools, skill development & employment for youth and women empowerment, and environmental regeneration. These development interventions stem from the organisations’ Vision and Mission, and are aligned to India’s Sustainable Development Goals, strategically contributing to nation building.
Children aspiring for a better tomorrow, skilled youth secured in jobs and their own micro business and women taking charge of their development, are the outcomes that gives us immense satisfaction and the motivation to propel forward. We do so galvanising individuals and business organisations to join and partner with us in this nation building exercise.