Program Strategy

Jeevan Marga’s geographical focus, thematic areas and programmatic interventions are influenced by its Vision, Mission and Objectives, which are periodically reviewed to ensure its relevance. They have strategically evolved to align with the SDGs and the CSR focus mandated by schedule VII, section 135 of Companies Act.

Key Programmatic Interventions
Mandated by the organisation’s Vision and Mission, our programmatic interventions broadly take shape under the following key verticals:


  • Nanna Shaale Sikshana (My School Education) - A Govt School development program
  • Digital and STEM Sikshana- Digital and STEM Education Education enrichment program-Back to school and After school

2.WASH and MHM

  • Arogyada Kaleke - Healthy Learning Environment through:
  • Access to safe drinking water and sanitation in public schools
  • Menstrual Hygiene Management for girl children

3.Skill & Entrepreneurial Training

  • Asha Kirana - An Appropriate Skilling & Placement, and Training

4.Women Empowerment (Mahila Swastikarana)

  • Organising, Leadership and Livelihood training for women
  • Appropriate Skilling, Placement & Entrepreneurship training for young women

5.Environment and Climate Action

  • Kere Punaschetene - Rejuvenation of water bodies
  • Parisara Samrakshane - Environment care and protection
  • Nysargika/Aarogya Vipattu Parihaaara -
  • Natural/Health Disaster Relief, Rehabilitation and Mitigation