The amendment to the Companies Act 2013 with section 135 brought out a sea change in
the Corporate India playing a significant part in India’s development and nation building.
The mandate to allocate at least 2% of net profits of last three preceding fiscal years
towards defined CSR activities, has facilitated private and public sector to partner with Non
Profits and Govt entities too, in meaningful development initiatives aligned to their CSR
As per the CSR portal of Govt. of India reported that 20840 companies supported
more than 39,000 social projects across the country valued at nearly INR 26,000
Jeevan Marga - a well governed Non-Profit with vastly experienced Chief Executive at its helm and ably supported by a competent Program and Operational team, is committed to the corporate value of high standards of reporting, accountability and transparency.
The Trust is approved to implement CSR activities, by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India, vide registration no. CSR00061897.
We are registered on the DARPAN portal of NITI Aayog, Govt. of India, vide ID KA/2023/0356646
JM offers carefully strategized impact making projects, for the consideration of CSR funding. Our projects are aligned to CSR Activities as per schedule 7, sec 135 of Companies Act; and SDG goals.
Targeting marginalised children, youth and women, our projects span interventions across:
We leverage technology as an enabler & disruptor to leap-frog, upscale and amplify the reach and impact of our project interventions.
We would be happy to partner with the corporate sector in impact making projects suitably
aligned to their respective ESG/CSR policies and thematic focus. Our projects also provide
excellent meaningful volunteering opportunities for company employees.
At: +91 95355 07340,+91 99802 59400 OR